Take Ten April 2020: Rebecca

An avid home cook and baker, Rebecca has dreams of opening her very own vegan bakery. Until then, she'll hone her skills by sharing her creations with friends and family. (Cinnamon rolls are her favorite.) A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Rebecca moved to the Triangle in June 2012. Eat for the Planet by Zacharias & Gene... Continue Reading →

Kids’ Staff Picks from Abbe & Kiwi

The Neighbors A little girl imagines the lives of her neighbors as she climbs the 7 floors to her own (BORING) apartment. (The apartment that smells like pickled fish? Belongs to a pirate and his mermaid wife, of course.) Many wacky and madcap visual surprises as well as a fantastic twist at the end. Rumple... Continue Reading →

Show Them a Good Time

What is it about these stories that I love so much? Is it that Nicole Flattery inserts her characters into worlds that are just a little bit off? Or are her worlds inhabited by characters that are not quite right? Perhaps her characters and the worlds they inhabit are all perfectly mundane, and she is... Continue Reading →

Nothing to See Here

You think your kids can rock a meltdown? HA! Amateurs. 10 year old twins Bessie and Roland burst into flames when angry or upset. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this hilarious, slightly dark and weirdly sweet novel. — Abbe, Children's Bookseller

Tyll: A Novel

Daniel Kehlmann is possibly the most original and masterful storyteller I've ever encountered. In Tyll, he places us in Seventeenth century Europe during the Thirty Years War. Against this backdrop of immense human suffering, Kehlmann gives us a clown to weave together the stories of kings, queens, scholars, and peasants. He makes us care for even... Continue Reading →

The Clergyman’s Wife

Charlotte Lucas is sensible, not sentimental; unlike Elizabeth, she finds it possible to tolerate Mr. Collins's foibles with a smile. Depending on the adaptation/retelling/fan fiction, we are led to believe that Charlotte is either miserable or resigned, but certainly not happy. 'The Clergyman's Wife' gives her probably the most realistic attitude: sometimes embarrassed, sometimes irritated,... Continue Reading →

The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

For the rest of my days, I will hold dear the poignant and deeply moving scene from this book that captures how reading and books can touch the soul and connect us with others. I was humbled and moved to tears – of both grief and joy - as I rode with Cussy Mary and her mule through the hills and hollows of Appalachia to deliver books to the... Continue Reading →

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